
Baggy Snowman

Here is what you need:


Here is what you do:

1. Fill the bottom half of the bag with Styrofoam pieces. Tie the bag closed with string to form the base of the snowman.

2. Fill the upper part of the bag with enough Styrofoam pieces to make a head for the snowman that is smaller than the body.


3. Cut two eyes for the snowman from black paper. Cut a carrot nose from the orange paper. Arrange the face pieces inside the bag on one side to form a face for the snowman. Tie the top of the bag shut.

4. Poke a twig into each side of the snowman’s body to make arms.


5. Cut a 3-inch (8-cm) piece from the toe of the sock to make a hat for the snowman. Put the hat over the top of the snowman’s head. Glue the pom-pom to the top of the hat.

6. Cut a scarf for the snowman from the fabric scrap. Tie the scarf around the snowman’s neck.


This snowman may be so light that it will tumble away at the slightest breeze, but at least it will never melt!

Courtesy of Crafts To Make In The Winter by Kathy Ross