Just Plain Weird

An Irruption?


Snowy owls are one of the most beautiful and rare birds on the planet. They spend their time mainly in the Arctic Circle but have occasionally been seen in Canada and the northern United States. But something strange happened last fall. Snowy owls were sited in Nebraska, Kentucky and even in Georgia. Two owls were found on a beach in Maryland.

irruption2Scientists call this an “irruption” and this increase in numbers and sightings is considered to be a once-in-a-lifetime event. A huge growth in the lemming population provided a boost for owls. Lemmings are an owl’s favorite meal. The result was more egg laying and an increase in healthy owlets. When winter approached, the population spread south to find territory.

Project Snowstorm involved scientists capturing Snowy owls where possible and fitting them with transmitters that will relay information and provide new understanding of these birds.