Annie Christmas

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de-annieAmerica’s rich tradition of tall tales has introduced generations to larger-than-life characters like Feebold Feeboldson, Brer Rabbit and Paul Bunyan. Their adventures define our culture while recalling historical periods and events. This issue focuses on a giant of a woman who lived along the shores of the Mississippi River. Annie Christmas could keep up with the toughest workers along the river and is credited with saving a paddleboat full of passengers single handed. Hyperbole—or exaggeration—makes tall tales fun for the imagination. See if you can keep up with Annie in the games and puzzles highlighting her charms and feats!

In this issue students will:

  • Understand hyperbole
  • Become an editor to correct Annie’s spelling errors
  • Learn vocabulary in the context of “cloze” reading
  • Match Annie’s barrels
  • Calculate sums in miles and kilometers as Annie navigates the Mississippi
  • Use the newspaper to make photo predictions
  • Solve puzzles to discover Annie’s great height and weight
  • Create a tall tale inspired by current events

6 page PDF