Beneficial Bugs

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de-beneficialbugsGot bugs in your plants? Don’t bug out! Some bugs and insects are extremely useful and efficient natural gardeners! These “good bugs” balance ecosystems and keep your yard healthier by eating invading pests. Learn how pirate bugs help farmers keep grain critter-free, and how ladybugs dine on a diet of insects that can ruin your roses! Discover the praying mantis whose hands look folded in prayer while waiting to pounce on its prey! Budding young gardeners will learn to distinguish welcomed bugs from unwanted pests.

In this issue students will:

  • read expository text about insects and bugs
  • draw ladybug symmetry
  • edit buggy spelling mistakes
  • find similarities and differences in common critters
  • use code to learn facts while dining at the Café des Insectes!
  • calculate sums
  • use the newspaper to dig for antonyms
  • differentiate between fact and opinion
  • use alliteration to craft creative constructions

6 page PDF