Bug Defenses

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de-bugdefensesInsects have it rough! Although there are millions all over the world, insects have to protect themselves constantly from becoming another critter’s breakfast, lunch, dinner or midnight snack! Over eons of time, insects have adapted to risky environments by developing special structures that help them survive. Outer coverings that blend into landscapes make insects disappear like magicians into leaves, tree trunks, twigs or stones. Learn how cicadas, treehoppers and stick bugs use camouflage to seem invisible, while others rely on stinky smells or bodies that taste bad to ward off predators. Insects may be tiny, but they are mighty survivors!

In this issue students will:

  • read expository life science text
  • understand adaptations in different insects
  • find insect adjectives in the news to write a buggy story
  • use the newspaper to locate and use synonyms
  • use multiplication to problem solve
  • imagine and describe in writing a Wacky Bug

6 page PDF