Drawing and Doodling with the Bunny Buddies

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Bebe and Bart Bunny invite you to gather crayons, markers, and paper to join them for a doodle and drawing session! Unlock your imagination and creativity as you turn squiggly lines, nonsense shapes, and letters of the alphabet into sketches, designs, or works of doodle art. Then challenge yourself to complete a design with perfect symmetry, copy extraordinary eggs, or complete some challenging pattern puzzlers. Hop on over and meet with your Bunny Buddies for some design and drawing fun. Follow their instructions and you’ll become a Master Doodler in no time!

In this issue students will:

  • follow written directions for art lessons
  • look closely to locate objects in a doodle drawing
  • use letters of the alphabet to inspire doodle art
  • practice symmetry by replicating a mirror image
  • create a colorful spring bouquet with imaginative flowers
  • use the newspaper for a springtime scavenger hunt
  • identify patterns to determine what comes next
  • describe your strategy for eating a chocolate bunny
  • create unique drawings from different squiggle designs
  • use the newspaper for a guessing game with a pal

7 page PDF