First Moon Walk

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The year 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of a historic journey to our nearest celestial neighbor—the moon. In July 1969 three courageous space pioneers rode the first rocket ship specifically designed to take astronauts to the moon for a landing and return back to earth safe and sound. This issue brings young scientists closer to that experience by describing the spacecrafts needed, famous words surrounding this event, major participants and a galaxy of facts, figures and puzzles. Discover what was needed for lift off, why two spacecrafts were launched, and how the first walk on the moon almost didn’t happen! Step into your imaginary spaceship, buckle yourself in and get ready to launch learning that’s out of this world!

In this issue future astronauts will:

  • Read expository text about the first landing on the moon
  • Understand the design of a rocket
  • Use a code to learn the first words spoken on the moon
  • Identify the three Saturn V astronauts by name
  • See a real footprint on the moon’s surface!
  • Use the newspaper to locate items for your imaginary moon voyage
  • Meet the president who inspired space travel and the moon landing
  • Use a decoder ring to discover the title of a special commemorative moon walk book

6 page PDF