HVAC Technician

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On cold winter days, it’s a treat to enter a toasty room, while on hot summer days, cool air offers relief from the heat. Hundreds of years ago people used fire to warm rooms and windows to cool them. Nowadays buildings contain systems to heat and cool the air so rooms stay comfortable no matter the weather! Who installs and maintains these systems? Technicians who specialize in Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning are the experts we call upon to ensure systems are running properly. This issue in Kid Scoop’s “Career Series” describes the benefits of this option for kids who like to assemble systems, problem solve, and work with their hands. As more homes shift to solar energy, HVAC systems will still depend on experts to install and maintain them. It’s a “cool” career in a “hot” market!

In this issue students will:

  • read informational text about a career as an HVAC technician
  • understand that a thermostat regulates temperature in buildings
  • use hot and cold synonyms in a crossword puzzle
  • read about the benefits of becoming an HVAC technician
  • understand that ventilation helps move air indoors
  • use the newspaper to locate antonyms (opposites)
  • evaluate the impact of inventions on life style
  • write an opinion piece about the use of mathematics in everyday situations
  • analyze a story in the sports section to demonstrate critical thinking

7 page PDF