Laughter Around the World

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de-laughterHere’s an issue that’s guaranteed to make you giggle and giggling has many benefits. It helps sick people heal, uses fewer muscles than frowning and makes everyone feel good! From Afghanistan to Zambia, people around the world tell jokes, act silly, make up games and enjoy the lighter side of life. Learn what makes kids laugh in other countries, and be the star of your own comedy show by using your imagination—and our situations—to entertain others. Our crazy and silly ideas will get you started, and the activities and puzzles will leave you smiling!

In this issue students will:

  • Practice sequencing
  • Use art skills to draw a comic strip
  • Hunt for smiles
  • Use the newspaper for a Superlative Scavenger Hunt
  • Write a creative narrative about talking fruit
  • Locate good news stories

6 page PDF