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“Lovebirds” isn’t just a nickname heard around Valentine’s Day for sweethearts! This nickname derives from the behavior of a tiny breed of parrots that are uniquely playful and affectionate. Lovebirds in the wild do love to coo, snuggle, and play together—similar to people who care about each other. While “Lovebirds” is a term used around the world, these feathered friends are only found in Africa and vary in coloring from region to region accounting for nine different varieties discovered to date. Lovebirds may come in different shades, but these friendly tweeters have one similar habit across the continent—they truly love to cuddle! Learn what you and lovebirds have in common, and discover one more reason to take care of our fascinating and precious planet.

In this issue growing minds will:

  • read informational text about lovebirds including their habits and behaviors
  • sequence sections of a sentence using correct syntax
  • discover different varieties of lovebirds
  • use map skills to find precise locations
  • calculate perimeter and area of photos cut from the news
  • look for love stories in the newspaper and identify what, when, who, why, and how
  • describe how you move to keep your heart healthy
  • read directions to play and exercise like a lovebird

6 page PDF