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You’d think a planet named for the Roman god of the sea would be covered with nothing but oceans! In fact, scientists aren’t exactly sure what lies beneath Neptune’s frigid cloud cover. Woodword won’t be able to visit on foot as this slow moving, wind swept giant gaseous planet is impossible to land on. What scientists—and Woodword—can see are multiple moons, swirling clouds and a blue beauty! Sign on as part of the crew for this phase of the solar trek.

In this issue, young explorers will:

  • Read expository text about Neptune
  • Read closely to complete a cloze reading activity
  • Learn why slow cold Neptune is so mysterious
  • Identify even and odd numbers
  • Complete a comparison chart of wind speeds
  • Use data in a chart to site evidence to support true/false claims
  • Use the newspaper to calculate difference between numbers in the news
  • Write creatively bout life in outer space

6 page PDF