Newspaper Sports

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de-newspapersportsWhat do balls, bats, sticks, pucks, hoops and boxing gloves have in common? They’re all connected to sports, and sports provide entertainment on every continent. Each day newspapers worldwide devote an entire section just to sporting events from soccer to shuffleboard. Children and adults follow favorite teams, memorize statistics, read the antics of exceptional players, and learn about victory and defeat. This issue celebrates the newspaper sports page linking human interactions and emotions with math, art, reading and writing. On your mark, get set, go!

In this issue students will:

  • use the sports section of the newspaper for activities
  • connect photos to emotions
  • distinguish between amateur and professional sports
  • identify similarities and differences
  • find examples of teamwork
  • play newspaper flag grab
  • locate sporty adjectives
  • select parts of speech to complete a sports story
  • write prose and descriptive narratives

6 page PDF