Save for a Rainy Day

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Kids are sure to have financial ups and downs in their lives, and what better way to learn money management than to begin a simple savings plan! Saving when times are good means money to spend when a “rainy day” comes along. Contributing a small amount regularly to a piggy bank or savings account is one secret to financial success and helps to develop financial literacy at an early age. Nothing is as powerful as a hands-on experience when it comes to learning about money. This issue will help you launch a financial conversation with your child so that authentic learning takes place. Locate a jar or piggy bank to begin at home, then transfer savings to an account at the bank, and watch your “rainy day” fund grow and grow!

In this issue young earners and learners will:

  • read informational text about managing and saving money
  • understand why a rainy day fund makes good financial sense
  • solve word problems using money amounts
  • learn idiomatic phrases and their meanings
  • take a “Rainy-Day Fund” pledge
  • use the newspaper to write numbers using words instead of digits
  • calculate sums using a variety of coins
  • scan the newspaper for descriptive money words
  • write about your ideas for earning money

7 page PDF