Unusual Schools

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de-unusualEveryone is focused on “college and careers” in 21st Century education—and it’s never too early to begin exploring career options. Most colleges offer traditional fields of study—including new areas like computer science and media technology. But some schools open doors to more unusual careers that are specialized and require unique skills. This issue introduces several “out of the box” campuses where young adults enroll to learn everything from the art of successful clowning to Hollywood stunts to working with wild animals. How about a degree in elephant studies, managing a zoo, airplane engine repair or learning how to make tasty desserts? Open the newspaper to see what careers are in the news today and you’ll begin to dream about your tomorrow.

In this issue students will:

  • read expository text about career options
  • learn how to train a sea lion
  • discover and research unique careers
  • follow codes to solve riddles
  • use the newspaper to discover school news
  • write an opinion piece

6 page PDF