Just Plain Weird

Super Spud

Imagine a quiet afternoon working in your vegetable patch digging up weeds. Your shovel hits something hard. Is it a treasure or a rock? Carefully you dig around the strange object and pull it out of the ground. What is it? It is a very odd shape. Maybe it’s something that fell from the sky, or a fungal growth? So, you taste it … and it is … a potato!

Colin and Donna Craig-Brown were working in their small New Zealand farm when they unearthed this strange object that turned out to be a potato. Perhaps the largest potato on record. It weighs in at around 17.4 pounds (7.9 kg). They are waiting on the Guinness Book of Records to verify its status as the largest in the world.

They called it Doug because they “dug” it up!

The area where they found Doug was previously used for cucumbers and Colin has no recollection of ever planting potatoes. But Doug started to smell and so now resides in the freezer until the Craig-Browns can decide on its fate.