Publishers’ Exchange

Kid Scoop and “Wilson” Recharge NIE Program in Texas

by Ellen Creane

Kid Scoop definitely helped revive our Newspaper in Education program—its fresh content and excitement gave us new visibility this year!” Kristen Weaver of the Wilson County News in Floresville, Texas, started the paper’s NIE program 20 years ago and had watched it dwindle over the years.

“Our publisher, Elaine Kolodziej, wanted our newspaper in the hands of students, so we chose Kid Scoop to revive NIE,” Weaver said. It’s structured and organized and the kids look for it in our newspaper.”

Publisher Kolodziej makes a strong statement on the newspaper’s web site about the importance of newspapers in the classroom. “One of the most valuable lessons that students can learn from their community newspaper is what goes on in City Hall, Commissioners Court, and with other local governmental bodies. This knowledge can translate into students becoming responsible adults who are better informed citizens more likely to participate in their government. In fact, surveys show that newspaper readers are more likely to be voters!”

“This statement aligns perfectly with the philosophy of Kid Scoop,” writes Vicki Whiting, creator of the youth feature that appears in more than 300 local newspapers. She creates the weekly page to connect young learners with their community and grow their reading skills.

Weaver’s work with the schools includes the creation of a very popular NIE mascot in the form of a life size apple figure. He’s named “Wilson” and he visits classrooms. Here’s what the Wilson County News web site says about “Wilson”:

The Wilson County News NIE program offers children of all ages a special opportunity to fall in love with reading. Our newspaper offers a variety of interactive, educational activities. Thanks to our local business sponsors and partners, Wilson County News provides newspapers to area classrooms every week.

Our “South Texas Living” section combined with “The 411” youth section includes photos and stories about local youth. We are always celebrating today’s youth!

Meet Wilson!

The Wilson County News NIE program extended a warm welcome to Wilson, the NIE mascot Oct. 27, 2004, his adoption day.

He received his name from a Stockdale Elementary class shortly after.

When he was adopted, he knew that his calling in life was to encourage children to read newspapers, but, he couldn’t remember his past!

So NIE students helped him jog his memory by writing the following “story” about his life:

Hey! Did you know that before I was Wilson, the mascot, I was just a regular kid like you? I was born on a nice spring day in April. My mom’s name is Pink Lady and my dad’s name is Jonathan Gold. I do not have any brothers or sisters. I have a pet worm named Bookworm. I named him Bookworm because I like to read to him. I like to read because it helps me learn about many different things. Because I like reading so much, I became interested in reading the newspaper. The newspaper gives you information. Do you want to know why I became the NIE mascot? I became the NIE mascot because I want to encourage you to read the newspaper. So, if you want to learn something new, pick up a newspaper and start reading.
– (Provided by a Floresville Primary student)

Weaver uses an annual subscriber renewal letter to ask for donations for the NIE program. “First a trickle, then it became a flood! Our readers are the main contributors to the NIE program,” she said. She also has a dedicated group of business sponsors and gives them publicity and visibility. The newspapers go to eight schools and weekly newspaper circulation is 8,000.