Sales and Marketing Tips

12 Ways Kid Scoop Supports Local Newspapers

by Vicki Whiting, CEO

The 2023 Local Newspaper Study from America’s Newspapers reports that 35% of local news consumers have children in the home and 95% “plan to shop or purchase” educational opportunities in the next 12 months.

Reaching families is why more than 30 years ago I created Kid Scoop—so newspapers can directly reach this very important local market for both revenue and educational purposes.

We know from extensive research that education at home influences the level of success children can achieve at school. Local communities depend on excellence in children’s skills and knowledge to grow. As one of my Kid Scoop publishers put it, “You’ve got to start them young!”

In these days of tight budgets, shrinking content, and the struggle to capture the attention of busy families, I’ve been asked more often why Kid Scoop is still very important for the local newspaper.

Here are 12 answers:

  1. Kid Scoop gives local newspapers help (at no charge) in developing new revenue to support learning through the newspaper.
  2. Kid Scoop helps local businesses partner with local newspapers to develop children’s interest in service and leadership.
  3. Kid Scoop gives young readers smart-fun opportunities to grow their reading and math skills as they read about their community.
  4. Kid Scoop “upscales” local newspapers by linking newspapers with schools, businesses, and non-profits for growth.
  5. Kid Scoop involves all family members in helping children learn more about history, science, geography, biography at home.
  6. Kid Scoop supports local schools by extending learning experiences at home, after the school bell rings.
  7. Kid Scoop provides local teachers with fun homework assignments that support reading, writing, and math skill development at home.
  8. Kid Scoop connects language learners of all ages to local communities.
  9. Kid Scoop provides subscribers with free materials to support local classroom teachers.
  10. Kid Scoop provides subscribers with free marketing materials to their local community to promote the local newspaper.
  11. Kid Scoop includes problem-solving activities so children can engage in helping solve community needs.
  12. Kid Scoop provides opportunities for young readers to learn about community involvement, developing future local leaders.

Read more about publishers’ success with Kid Scoop at our Publishers’ Exchange.